Nicaragua Challenge 2010

The Adventure Begins Again!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wow! What a day!

We had a wonderful, yet exhausting day. We started our day with a breakfast that included black beans and rice. Don´t worry. The food is quite yummy. We are very well fed:o) We started the day with an official government tour of the beautiful city of Nagarote. However, we didn´t forget we were on a missions trip. We handed out tracks and candies along the way. We even prayed with Gerturdes´ aunt who just lost her husband. Dorothy and I helped lead a young man to Christ. We came back for lunch. Then the fun began! We went to a church in the outskits of Nagarote. We ministered to the beautiful children there. It is honetly too overwhelming to explain the poverty we saw. Yet, there was a smile in every face. Please continue to pray for us. We had a wonderful first day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've been trying to make a comment and I asked about it. I guess the settings your made private. That is why you guys haven't been getting any comments from us. It's not that we don't love you guys.:)
