Nicaragua Challenge 2010

The Adventure Begins Again!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

God Really Loves All the Children of the World

We have all heard the song. We´ve read the scripture. Yesterday we saw the disgarded, unloved, imperfect children our God loves oh so very much. Yesterday we had the privilage of ministering to those precious children at an orphanage for severely disabled children. As we minstered to these babies, I asked God why He allowed these children to be born this way. In my heart I heard Him say ¨These are my children. I created them and I love them¨. We cried, we ministered, and we loved on these very special babies whom the Word says ¨for such is the kingdom of heaven.
Before we even left our hotel, Sandy Heath fell as she was getting on the bus and hurt her foot. No worries. She sat at a table and helped children at the orphanage as they colored. We then headed to Nagarote with megaphones in hand as we announced our VBS. Have I mentioned that it´s a little hot here? As we walked the streets, sweat poured, but smiles and Christs´love gave us strength to carry on. We had 175 children and adults in attendance. The little church was packed! Please continue to pray for our safety. We are about to leave to a much more rural area. The children there cannot go to school. We are being told there are lots of mosquitos there. Please pray for our safety and health. We are going to give shoes to every children in that very poor community.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful that you got to love on and pray for those children! It is a beautiful picture of what Jesus says about children! Loved hearing about it! Love you! I'll keep praying! :-). Christie
